Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Primary Water Activity

We had out first Activity as a Primary presidency. It was a lot of fun, I hope that the kids had as much fun as I did. It was perfect 101 degrees outside for a water activity. About 40 or so kids came. We played water kickball and had a few water relays. Then at the end we had a free for all water balloon fight for each of the age groups. I think that my old class of boys had fun hitting me with water balloons. They started to gang up on me instead of going against each other.
I must say that I am glad that it is over and done with. The night before out activity we found out that there is no hose spigot out by the field and pavilion. So the four of us hauled bucket of water back and forth from the church across the parking lot to the field to fill up the pools and have water for our relays. Luckily my very smart president thought to bring her kids wagon so we had that to help us out. We were quite the sight pulling wagons back and forth to the utility closet.


cody said...

Congrats on your 1st Primary Activity ! Way to go! Looks like you had fun! Sorry I didn't call you back. I have an easy day Wed. I will call you tomorrow! Love you girl! Juls

Karin said...

Way to go! Looks like it was very successful! Love the balloon toss!