Sunday, June 22, 2008

Just Like Mommy

So I have heard the story about how I got the hand mixer stuck in my hair when I was 2 or 3 a hundred times and everyone's version is a little different. The fact is that the beaters got stuck in my hair and my hair is still a Little thin on the right side of my head.
Bailee I guess felt the need to follow in my foot steps with this hand held fan. It happened of course on a very busy Saturday morning when the last thing on the agenda was a little girl's hair cut. She was not happy that it was stuck in her hair and even less happy that it hurt when I was trying to get it untangled. We tried for a few minutes and then gave up and resorted to the scissors.

Bailee even tried to get it out on her own.

Lucky for her it was stuck at the end of her hair and not all the way up to her head like her Mommy had.


Janae' said...

Poor girl.. I remember your experience, it was when they first came out with the mixers that were chargeable so you could walk around with it.

cody said...

Ohh I was INVOLVED in your mixer experience! Yikes girl!! I remember, in fact me and Kristin probably still have nightmares of it! Wish we had a pic of that we could post by this one! Are you seriously thinner on that side? hee hee! love ya!

Karin said...

I just told told the beater story to Jayme and Ben the night of our Celtics party!
Poor Bailee, for the record, yes yours was 100 times worse than that! AND I was not involved, but I saw it! I still feel bad for you, but it is a great story to tell.
I'm glad you documented this one!