Monday, February 11, 2008

The Mommy Signal

So this morning the thought came to me, that moms really are like super heros. Batman has the bat signal that tells him when to come and make the rescue or fight off the vilan. I have learned that I have a "Mommy Signal" to which I know that I need to run to the rescue of Owen and fight of the vilan, Bailee. My "Mommy signal" is three little words..."Come here Buddy". They sound so sweet and inocent coming out of Bailee's two year old mouth, but they mean trouble. I know that when I hear those three little words Bailee is somewhere attempting to pick up Owen and carry him somewhere. That just means that if I don't get there quick, Owen is in for an interesting ride. She seems to think tht he needs to be with her to read books or watch one of her shows on PBS.

It is so interesting how we as mothers spend the entire nine months of pregnancy with the second child worrying that the first will be jealous or resentful of the second, then we come to find out that they love the second more than you would like them to for the first few months.

**Daddy responds well to the "Mommy Signal" too.


Karin said...

That is so cute & Hilarious!!
She is such a cutie. I love how busy she is.

Britney and Kevin said...

It seems like those "signals" can also be silence. :) Thank you again for all your help with my blog Tami!