He now weighs 11 pound even, so has gained over four pounds since birth. He is getting to be a big boy. He is growing length wise too, he is now 22 3/4 in. long. That is up 4 inches since birth.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Two Months Old
He now weighs 11 pound even, so has gained over four pounds since birth. He is getting to be a big boy. He is growing length wise too, he is now 22 3/4 in. long. That is up 4 inches since birth.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
A New Calling
The Bishop called yesterday morning (which I thought was SO weird) to see if he could come by (even weirder) to talk to Matt and I. Of course Matt was at work so the Bishop couldn't come until later in the afternoon. So that gave me a few hours to speculate and worry about why on earth the Bishop would be coming to our house to talk to us on a Saturday. I figured that Matt's calling was safe because they don't change the Scout Masters that often and he has only been in there for about a year and a half. So that left me trying to figure out all of the open callings that I knew of. Lets just say that I wasn't even close to figuring this one out.
I have been called to be the 2nd counselor in the Primary!
So at first I felt a little relieved that it wasn't what I had thought it might be. Then I got nervous, I just feel WAY TO YOUNG for this calling! And now I am getting excited, after being in Primary for 4 1/2 years I will now get to give my input and maybe help make things happen. It is going to be busy, sounds like I am going to be over Cubs, so it will be scouting all over the place at out house. It will be nice, Matt and I will be able to go to Round Table meetings together.
I am really excited to work with these other women, I really admire them and look forward to getting to know them better. We will have a lot of fun.
Friday, February 22, 2008
ER and RSV
Bailee has had a cough since Valentines Day, it made me nervous because I didn't want Owen getting sick. He is just still so little. I have been extra careful about washing hands and trying to keep Bailee away as much as possible as well as keep her nose wiped. But I guess all of this was to no avail. On Wednesday Owen started in with what sounded like the same cough that Bailee has. Then on Thursday afternoon he had a temperature of 99.6, I called the nurse and she said to keep an eye on it, but that it wasn't high enough o be too concerned yet. Then at about 5:30 he was up to 100.5 so I called the on call doctor since the clinic was closed. He was so rude! After treating me as if I was an idiot He finally got it out that I should take Owen to the ER.
Matt called out Home Teacher and he came over and assisted Matt in giving Owen a blessing. I am so thankful to have the Priesthood in my home. Almost immediately Owen started to relax, I was so glad because our normally good natured and content baby boy had been restless and fussy all day.
We then took Bailee to my Mom's house and headed to the ER. We were able to get right in thankfully. We had a wonderful ER doctor, David Hightower, he was so good to explain everything. I really appreciated it, things usually go right by me in situations like this because I am just so worried. I really felt like I was able to leave understanding what was going on. The did a blood culture, it took four tries to get a blood sample because the tiny veins in Owen's little arms kept moving. The poked his left arm twice, his right arm once and then they finally got a sample out of his right hand. It was so hard as a Mom to see his little lip quiver and then to hear his cry when they would poke him. I don't think that he has ever cried that much before. They also gave him a breathing treatment, which seemed to help. After all of that they sent us home with instructions to get him in to see our regular doctor today.
My mom (thank goodness she works at the doctors office!) was able to get us an appointment at 10 am. When we got there his temp was 100.3, still high. Dr. Hodges recognized almost immediately that it was probably RSV, so he sent us to the lab to have him tested. Sure enough it came back positive for RSV. We were given a prescription for a steroid and were also able to get a nebulizer so we can give him breathing treatments at home.
After some Tylenol, Owen's temp is down to normal now. So now we just have to continue treating him and wait and pray that he gets better soon. We are really hoping that he is better by next weekend so we can go a head and bless him as scheduled.
Please remember Owen in your prayers.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
January MVP!!
Matt has been working so hard over the last year. Ever since one of the other designers left the company Matt has been the main guy keeping his department together. Today in the meeting where Matt was given his award the president of the company talked about how Matt had the weight of the company on his shoulders but he just jumped in and was able to get everything done and taken care of. I am so proud of Matt, this is and award well deserved!
As part of being the MVP, Matt was given a one night stay at the Whitetail Club and Resort in McCall and two lift passes at Tamarack Resort in Cascade!

Swinging with Owen
Monday, February 18, 2008
Sunday Dinner
Yesterday my Mom and John came over for diner and games. We had a great time. We played Hand and Foot, Boys vs. Girls.... the girls won! Mom brought over some of her very yummy wheat bread which I forgot to set out with dinner! Mom finally said something after everyone was done eating. I suddenly felt like the Ross' when the Costanza's brought thier marble rye to dinner (for those of you who are Seinfeld fans). Lucky for me, my mom still left the bread for us. She also brought ice cream and hot fudge for dessert, that was so yummy durring our game of Hand and Foot.
Thanks for coming, we had lots of fun!
Sledding Pictures
Poor Kinsee cried almost the entire time we were there.
Tami and Owen
Sunday, February 17, 2008
We went sledding at Steamboat Gulch in Idaho city. We had a blast. We went with our friends Lance, Joni, and their two kids Stockton and Kinsee. We had our own little hill. Bailee went for over 100 yards on a couple of her trips down. We had hot chocolate and ate some lunch while we were there.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Birthday Celebration
We had such a great time with GG last night, we just visited and ate...I think mostly we ate. I made dinner for her and her favorite dessert that she said she hasn't had in years... chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. She made it pretty easy for me. I put the candles in the shape of an 86, I didn't do 86 candles, because we set her cake on fire one year doing that when she was only in her 70's. We love visiting with GG. I think that over all she had a good birthday, she recieved lots of birthday cards, phone calls and even suprise gifts. She is the best and deserves all of what she recieved. We feel pretty lucky to have been able to share that special day with her.
If anyone is wondering why I didn't post any pictures...I forgot my camera!!!!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Happy Birthday GG!
Monday, February 11, 2008
The Mommy Signal
So this morning the thought came to me, that moms really are like super heros. Batman has the bat signal that tells him when to come and make the rescue or fight off the vilan. I have learned that I have a "Mommy Signal" to which I know that I need to run to the rescue of Owen and fight of the vilan, Bailee. My "Mommy signal" is three little words..."Come here Buddy". They sound so sweet and inocent coming out of Bailee's two year old mouth, but they mean trouble. I know that when I hear those three little words Bailee is somewhere attempting to pick up Owen and carry him somewhere. That just means that if I don't get there quick, Owen is in for an interesting ride. She seems to think tht he needs to be with her to read books or watch one of her shows on PBS.
It is so interesting how we as mothers spend the entire nine months of pregnancy with the second child worrying that the first will be jealous or resentful of the second, then we come to find out that they love the second more than you would like them to for the first few months.
**Daddy responds well to the "Mommy Signal" too.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Owen meets another Aunt
Scrapbooking 2007 family pictures
On Saturday I made a cake to have after dinner. All day Bailee kept asking when she was going to get to have some of that "birthday cake". Our dinner was so yummy that Aunt Stephanie made, we forgot about the cake until just after we put Bailee in bed. We started dishing it out, and then heard Bailee in her room yelling as loud as she could "I WANT CAKE!" We were lauging so hard! I felt bad that I had forgotten to give her some, so we let her get up and have a piece. I think she was pretty happy about that. Of course as soon as we put her back to bed she started yelling it again, in hopes that it was the magic phrase for getting out of bed. She is so funny!
"Your First Kitty Sticker!"
Our little Bailee says something almost every day that makes us laugh. Last night she was hanging out with Daddy and Owen and she was playing with some Halloween sticker that her Aunt Stephanie had given her. She so proudly decided to share with her brother, pealed one off of the page, stuck it right on the side of his head and announced to him "Your first kitty sticker!"
Friday, February 8, 2008
First TIme to Church
Isn't he so handsome! This is Owen on his first Sunday to go to church. I thought that I would post how cute he looked since no one at church actually saw his outfit. I am still so paranoid about RSV that I left him in his car seat with the cover on for all of sacrament (I had knots in my stomach and was so nervouse the whole time) and then went home. It is sad to say, but I was a little glad when church was canceled the next week because I didn't have to decide if I was going to take him or not. Hopefuly I will get over my paranoia before his blessing.
Klondike Champions!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Praying for Safety
With Matt as the Scout Master I am left at home almost every month for one Friday night campout. Matt is always looking for an adventure, so this calling suits him well. I have found myself worried about him on several ocasions when he has gone out on a hike or backpacking trip with out me.
But tonight was different, the troop was on their way to McCall for the Klondike Derby, and all day I was praying and hoping that the highway would be closed so they would have to cancel. The roads have been horrible this week with all of the snow and rain that we have had along with the freezing temperatures. My prayers for the roads to close were not answered, so I had to change gears and pray for safety. I always pray that they will be safe on thier campouts, but I was especially woried tonight.
What a relief it was when the phone rang a few minutes ago and I heard Matts voice on the other end. He was calling to let me know that they had made it there safely. The normal two hour drive took them three and a half hours on these snow covered and icy roads. They were so happy when they arrived that there were still some cabins available, so they didn't have to dig out a camp spot and set up tents in the dark and snow as planned. There is several feet of snow in McCall right now and is getting down as low as ten degrees at night. Thank goodness they were able to get cabins it would not have been any fun to set up camp in those conditons.
I had initally been more worried when the phone rang so late at night, but I felt at peace as I pidcked up. I am so thankful for the gift of the spirit, because I don't know how I would be able to make it through nights like tonight without it. What a wonderful thing it is to have the comforter always with us.