Monday, January 21, 2008

Does this make me a bad Mom?

Ok, so Bailee was playing by herself so well this morning. I need to do something in the office so I took Owen with me. Bailee was being so quiet, it was so nice. But then she came in and told me that her hands were cold. I looked down and they were red and she had a hat on. Mind you she was also still in her PJ's because she said that she didn't want to wear clothes today, "just jammas". She had gone out in the back yard to play in the snow, she must have been out there for at least 5 minutes because there were tracks all over the yard. I called my neighbor that we share a yard with and she told me that she had seen Bailee out playing on their play structure. Lucky for me, I have a smart little girl and she did put her snow boots on before she went out. She even took them off at the door before she came and told me her hands were cold.

I guess that even though I have smart little girl, I need to keep a little better eye on her when I "THINK" she is playing in her room.


Janae' said...


You are a great mom!!! Been there done that. Kids are just too fast aren't they? Love ya..


The Thompsons said...

That is SO funny!! Somthing Addy would do. Your family is really cute!!!

Emily said...

Cute blog Tami. I love being able to keep in touch over blogs. It is so much fun. Owen is very cute and it sounds like Bailey is alot of fun.

Leslie Pond said...

Are you kidding me? You've got to do way worse than that to have me think that you are a "bad mom." It's so good to see your beautiful family. I don't know even know when the last time I saw you was. You all look great and congrats on the precious little boy!

Naylor Family said...

Oh, those things, happen, that's why I now have a stick in the back door and a latch on the front door, NO ESCAPING!!! At least she was safe!

Jen said...

That is too funny. Definitely not a bad mom. Too bad you couldn't take a picture, that would have made it priceless.