Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Pond Fishing

After the wedding it was time to get ready for me to leave for Texas for the anual Girls Trip. The night before I left we decided that we needed some family time before I left.

There are several ponds around the valley that are stocked with fish so people can fish at them
right in the middle of town with the backdrop of baseball feilds and one of the busiest roads in the state. This particular pond had just been stocked the day before so we decided to head over there. There were lots of other people there too, but we still had fun.

Owen tried casting a couple of times...without much success. He was perfectly happy throwing rocks in the pond and trying to catch things in the butterfly nets.

Bailee was diligent and was gettig pretty good at casting, her aim still needs some work. She crossed lines with a couple of people, but they were nice about it. I think that she enjoyed it.

Didn't seem like many people had much luck catching fish. But this guy and three of his freinds did great! We sure enjoyed watching them circle above and then dive into the water to catch their dinner.

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