Our big Kindergartener keeps up on our toes, but most of all she makes us PROUD! Bailee just brought home her 2nd Quarter report card. I know it is Kindergarten, but we are proud that our girl all "E"s and "M"s (they stand for Exceeds and Meets expectations)! Attached was a sweet not from her teacher:
"I enjoy having Bailee in class. She always works hard, listens and is kind and helpful to her peers."
I think that those words are more rewarding as a parent than any straight A report card.
Way to go Bailee, we are proud of you! Keep this up and you are going to be an amazing adult one day.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Proud Mama (and Daddy)
Sometimes I wonder...
If this has taken over or enhanced our lives...
Sometimes we fill our time with time wasters... and sometimes with time fillers... and sometimes with time enhancers. So what is this?
At times I feel like we have filled our time (the time that has been given to us to become more Christlike and to teach and build our family) with something that is good, but maybe there is something better. For some reason this morning I have been weighing the pros and cons to this thing we do. Probably because 5 Saturdays in a row are being used by this thing not to mention the several week nights and lunch/quiet time breaks.
So what has it taken away from me?
- time with my kids
- time with my family
- time that maybe I could have been helping someone in need.
Ok, that is all I've got... But those are BIG things!
What has it given me?
- Something in common with my husband. This is something that we can do together. A common goal.
- One night a month that Matt and I leave the house together to serve others. We have the opportunity to teach and counsel other leaders that are working directly with young men to improve their lives.
- I have overcome my fear of speaking in public!!! This is HUGE considering I used to cry every time I gave a talk in church...or cry just thinking about giving a talk in church or anywhere else for that matter.
- I have learned how to communicate my thoughts and feelings better with my husband, kids, family, friends...everyone.
- I have learned how to manage conflict, this is so helpful as a mother! I'm not perfect at it, but better.
- I ave made some fabulous life long friends. Friends that are compassionate, selfless, have integrity and most of all they are my friends and Matt's friends. I love that we have friends that we both like equally.
- I have learned and gained a testimony of why Scouting is the activity arm of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
- I have gained a huge testimony of Callings. I know that our Heavenly Father knows what we need more that we do and how to get us there. I am so thankful to my heavenly Father for planting me in a Calling that has helped me to grow so much.
- I have learned ways to instill values in my children.
I know there is more, but I can't sit here all day...
So I think that I can say with a surety that this thing we do called Scouting definitely has given me more than it has taken away. I have been blessed in so many ways through Scouting and I feel that it has made me a better mother.Thank Goodness the kids love it too.
Isn't this little man just so adorable? We love this kid so much! He makes us laugh everyday! Yesterday he was not wanting to put some books away because he wanted to keep reading them with us. Matt was encouraging him to do as we asked and suggested that if Owen wanted to read them he could tomorrow with Mom and that he might be able to learn to recognize some letters in the books. (we have been trying to find a way that it will sink in with him...so far no luck.)
This was Owen't reply: "Dad, you have great ideas. I just don't know what you are saying."
Case in point... he hears...things just don't register.
Love that kiddo.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Growing up to fast.
I can't believe it! Today I registered my baby girl for KINDERGARTEN! When did she get old enough to go to school? Real ride the bus-gone all day-school!? I can't believe it, but I know she is ready.
She was very patient as I filled out all of the paperwork and quietly looked all around her observing all of the posters and signs in the hallways. Then while we were waiting for all of her information to be entered into the computer she told the secretary all about the boy who put that beautiful mile on her face in this picture. Her face lit up when the secretary knew who he was. She is growing up way to fast and planning far in to her future. The other day she told me that she loved me so much and never wanted to leave me. Then she said. "When I get married we are just going to live down the street from the Jackson's, because Matt(Jackson) and I will want to see you and Angie a lot." I am glad that she still loves me even though she is growing up and moving on to some new and bigger things.
Quote of the day
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Oh how I love you
My Owen Boy keeps me laughing everyday.
I just asked him to help me put away some laundry. He was very eager to help put away his own clothes, but when I asked him to put away some kitchen towels, he replied...
"No, I can't. I am allergic to towels."
Now where in the world did he learn that?!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Date Night
Friday night, Matt was supposed to assist on a scout camp out that ended up being canceled. Since nothing was planned we decided to take the kids out on dates.
Matt took Owen to Cabella's to see the animals and then out for one of his favorite treats...french fries. When they came home I asked Owen what they did. He told me about the animals and then I asked what else they did. He said "Where did we go, Dad?" (with his crooked, confused face) Matt said "Wendy's" Owen then looked back at me and said "Wendy's, but I didn't see her." I was laughing so hard, he was so serious when he said it, as if they had gone to someones house rather than a restaurant.
Bailee and I went to the store an picked out new nail polish and our own personal sized ice creams. When we cam home we set up a little "spa" in the living room and I gave her a pedicure and painted her nails with the polish she had picked out. It was fun to have some one on one time with her. Quality time is her love language and she confirmed that about five times when she said to me "Mom, this is so much fun!" I love one on one time with my rug rats!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Can we build it?
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
89 Years Young
Isn't my Grandma BEAUTIFUL?! She always wonders why we all want to have our picture taken with her. But it is simple, she is beautiful inside and out and we all love her! Well my Beautiful Grandma turned 89 this week and we had to celebrate. Her birthday is on Valentines day and I love it, because I get to spend my day thinking about how much I love her. For her birthday, my Aunt and Uncle came to visit. So I invited the whole family over for cake and ice cream. Anyone that knows my grandma knows how much she loves chocolate and so of course her favorite cake is chocolate with chocolate frosting. I always try to make her a chocolate-chocolate cake for her birthday and this year was no different. I wanted to make a cake that was as beautiful and elegant as she is (well with my limited decorating skills). So here is my cake. I must say that it was YUMMY! I am not a chocolate cake lover (I prefer my chocolate in is pure form), but this recipe is delish! I have discovered that sour cream and buttermilk make any cake, pie or cookie so so much better. I know look for recipes containing on of those ingredients.
Back to my beautiful Grandma...I hope that I am half the woman that she is when I am her age. She is kind and loving and you just want to hug her all day when you are around her. I love you Grandma, I hope that 89 is a wonderful year for you. I am so glad that I live close enough to you to spend it with you.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
You Have a Freind in Me
Gramma gave Owen this Woody doll for Christmas. She took them to see Toy Story 3 in the theater, and he has loved all things Woody ever since. A couple of nights ago I went to check on him before heading to bed and this is what I found. Owen loves to give Woody piggy back rides. It is so fun because he is almost as big as Owen.
Monday, January 31, 2011
A Royal Tea Party
For Bailee's birthday she was given an Easy-bake Oven. This Sunday, Bailee insisted that we have a Tea Party. She stared planning it on Saturday and was so very excited. We thought that it would be fitting that she use the easy bake oven to make our refreshments. She so sweetly spread out her blanket and set each of us a place. We were each adorned with proper head attire and she picked what she felt was her perfect dress for the occasion (the one with "puffy sleeves", it always reminds me of Anne of Green Gables when she says that). We all had a wonderful Royal Tea Party on our quiet Sunday afternoon.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Bitter Sweet
FYI . . . This post maybe long because of what I am writing about. This is basically a journal entry about being a scoutmaster. Scattered Thoughts
During the month of July of 2006 I was asked to be the Scoutmaster for Troop 423. I was excited as much as I was optimistic about the experiences I would have over the course of this 4 1/2 year journey. Today I was released as the Scoutmaster. This is a day that for the majority of my time I never hoped for but knew one day it would come. This journey is one that has changed my life forever and one I hope to enjoy again in the future. The day I accepted the responsibility I never new I would grow to care for these young men as much as I do. There were a lot of days and night spent laughing, prodding, encouraging, promoting, strengthening and preparing and everyone of those moments was worth it in my mind. People often praised me for what I did and I received several honors over the last few years. I never felt like I was doing anything special I was just giving it everything I knew how to give. It is funny how you always learn more from those you serve then what you give them. The moment I was called I made a commitment to my self the I would offer these boys the best scouting program I knew how to provide. Even though the program evolved over the 4 and 1/2 years. I can honestly say I have very few regrets. I know I have had boys upset at me and proably some parents but I knew that my first responsibility was to be a Leader and Second to be there friend. I know for a fact the happy, joyous moments far out way the times my pacience was tested. I have spent 60 + nights sitting around a fire on a cold evening then getting in the tent hoping to get some rest. I can't say that I ever got much sleep but I can say I wouldn't give back anyone of those nights if I could. I also spent add'l 15 night getting trained on how to deliver even more opportunities for the boys to grow into leaders. For Tami and I the sacrifice my family made far out weighs the blessing and joy we received. I never could of done this with out Tami, she never once complained about the time I was spending. No one truly understands what a scoutmasters wife goes through unless you see it first hand. There were many of night where we would sit up and I would tell her what was on my heart and how I wanted so badly to affect these young men for the good or wondered how I could help a boy that struggles. I have had some great experiences and seen so many places I never would have if it wouldn't of been for the troop. One of the things I enjoyed the most was the 50 miler. If you would of told me 4 years ago we would take 13 boys on a trip of a life time in the white clouds I wouldn't have thought it was possible. I am not really sure what I am going to do with myself other then spend more time playing with my kids and being with my wife. Who knows maybe I will take her on a date that doesn't consist of stopping at REI or Sportsman's Warehouse. However, with all that said I am sure the lord has other things in store.
Being scoutmaster has truly been a part of me. My kids don't even know any different then dad goes to scouts every week and he goes camping once a month. I was talking to a friend of mine and she says that often it becomes self defining. I would have to say that is probably the case for me. I don't really even remember what it is like to not be the scoutmaster.
A couple of the boys jokingly said they almost started crying. Some of them said why can't you be the scoutmaster forever. As good as that sounds there comes a time when you have to step aside and let someone else take the reigns. All I know I will do my best to jump back on the wagon in hopes of enjoying some more of the ride.
I met many adult scouters that have also affected my life. People not of my faith who truly showed me what it is to love my savior. People who gave so much of themselves to better the future of the people they served. One of the things that had greatest impact on me are the men and women in the battle right along my side. Just like my boys know I would do anything for them, if these mentors needed something I would be there.
Not having an excuse to go camping once a month
Not having an excuse to buy more gear
Not being the one directly responsible to help shape young men into men
Not being there to watch them grow physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually
Not seeing them realize they are capable of what ever they set their mind to
Time with my kids and family
Camping and hiking with the family
More bike rides and family outings
Watching these young men prepare to go on mission
Time to run and hike
I just hope and pray that in some way I affected those around me as I served. This definitely isn't the end of the book. It is however time to start a new chapter.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Deep thoughts according to Bailee
This morning I thought I would try and find out what Bailee is hoping Santa will bring to her. I don't want another rerun of last year's chase...
Mom: "So what do you want Santa to bring you?"
Bailee: "Umm, let me think"
Bailee: "I want...I just want lots of loves. Maybe Santa could bring me a love machine that makes hearts and puts them in my heart so I can give you lots of hugs."
What a sweetie! I love that girl!
Now hopefully she will give me something to work with...
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
For the Beauty of the Earth
While we were on our June camp out I took the time to try some landscape photography. I tried out the filters that my sister Diane gave to me and a few different settings on my camera, here are a few of my favorites. They are mostly un-touched.